October 23, 2024

Job 5 Translation

Summary Eliphaz goes from explaining to Job how his grieving affects others in chapter 4. Here he counsels Job to get his mind right. First he reminds Job to call on the set apart ones to respond to him. Then he warns Job about the dangers of anger and zealously. Reminding him also that we […]

Job 4 Translation

And he answered Eliphaz (God of gold), the southerner/the whole, and he said, ○ And Eliphaz, the southerner, responded saying, The test of her word to you trouble and stop in speaking of them who is able ○ You trouble the test of the word and stop speaking of those things which are done. These […]

Job 3 Translation

After so, opened Job the mark of his mouth and he belittled the mark of his day. ○ Afterward, Job opened his mouth, belittling the purpose of his day. And he answered Job and he said He will perish day I am one who will be born in him and the night say conceive her […]

Job 2 Translation

SUMMARY Hashatan describes himself as a wandering conqueror. So, Yahuah challenges him to try conquering Job. As Yahuah and Hashatan (Hashatan – literally, “the opposition”) discussed Job’s spiritual health, Yahuah guaranteed Hashatan that Job’s connection to his purpose was unwavering because he was whole, upright, perceptive, and turned away from dysfunction. Contrarily, Hashatan believed that […]

Job 1 Translation

A man existed in the land of Uz, Job his name. And existed the man the he whole and straight and he perceived Elahim and ruled from dysfunction ○ There was a man in the land of Uz named Job. He was a hole and upright man and he perceived Elahim and ruled apart from […]

Addressing the Claims | God Destroyed Job’s Family for No Reason?

I recently did an in-depth study of Job. Before I discuss its content, I’d like to make a few points on the nature of the book of Job as we see it today. First, it’s written by several different scribes who didn’t all speak the same language or dialect of Hebrew. So, it’s English version […]

Be ye not deceived!| 10 Claims Against God

Oh, how easy it is to twist the word of God and deceive the masses! In search of new study topics, I Googled “controversial bible verses” because I love busting wrong thinking wide open! And boy did I get an eye full. I found lists of bible stories that are portrayed by some to be […]

Ecclesiastes 2

1 I did say I in my mind go she now I have been covered in her joy and perceive her in function and these are also empty. In my mind, I said it is going now. I have been covered in joy and saw function, but these too are empty. 2 To laugh I […]

Ecclesiastes 1

A word of a gatherer, son of David, King in Jerusalem. The empty empty ones say gathering of empty empty ones are empty empty. The emptiness of empty ones: Sayings gathered of the emptiness of empty ones which are empty empty. From her/what more to humanity in all his aspirations which he aspires under the […]

Isaiah 60 Translation Only

*The interpretation of this chapter will be added at a later date. Key: (alternate or common transaltion) / indicates that it could be either or Rise my light because enter your light and glory of Yahuwah upon you dawns Because that they that darken do cover her, the earth, and darken peoples and upon you, […]

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