February 11, 2025
  1. And he answered Eliphaz (God of gold), the southerner/the whole, and he said,
    ○ And Eliphaz, the southerner, responded saying,
  2. The test of her word to you trouble and stop in speaking of them who is able
    ○ You trouble the test of the word and stop speaking of those things which are done.
  3. These correct of many and the hands, idol ones, you will strengthen
    ○ Much of what you say is correct, yet you strengthen idol hands
  4. The one that is toppling they will cause to lift up your words and blessings like dysfunctional ones/friends you will encourage.
    ○ The one falling will pick up your words and you’ll encourage dysfunctional blessings. (corrupt spiritual food)
  5. Because her time she comes to you and wearily she/you will toil and your witness and you’ll be troubled
    ○ Because the time comes and you toil wearily and again you’ll be troubled.
  6. That not he will perceive of you/your done perceptions confidence /foolish of you she/you will be your hold on to and whole are your words.
    ○ So that your final actions are not seen, nor your confidence which you’ll retain. Only your words.
  7. Remember please who he innocent, perish and cause to anger her upright ones we close him off.
    ○ Please remember that the innocent perish and uptight ones who are made angry, close him off.
  8. As which I have seen a plow produce and a seed labor they harvested her/he harvested her.
    ○ As I have seen, a plow, the producer and a seed, the laborer. They do harvest.
  9. From the breath of the one who energizes(God) they perish and from the spirit of his nostril they are consume.
    ○ By God’s breath, they perish and from the wind from his nostril, they are consumed.
  10. Roar of a lion and the voice of a preying lion and teeth young lions break him.
    ○ The roar of a lion, sound of a preying lion and the teeth of a young lion can break him.
  11. A devouring lion perishes from without of prey to cause to enter/lioness they shall go separate ways. (pattern of panthers)
    ○ A hungry lion will perish without prey, so that it may continue, it goes its separate way.
  12. And the power of a word he steals and shall take hearing of a whisper from her him.
    ○ And he carries with him the energy of that word, taking from the whisper he heard.
  13. In the divisions from visions the night in falling a trance upon men
    ○ Intermittently from visions of the night, a trance state befalls men.
  14. Shaking shall be called and her trembling a, increased my bones that were caused to shake.
    ○ It summons a shaking up and a trembling, increasing the bones which were made to shake.
  15. And the spirit/wind upon my face he will pass shall stand straight hair of my flesh.
    ○ Thus, the wind shall pass on my face raising the hair on my skin.
  16. He will stand and not I will be caused to acknowledge from her his perception a likeness to before my eyes, a voice I will hear
    ○ It’ll stand and I will not realize, but from it is a perception of an image to tell my eyes, a sound which I will hear.
  17. The man from her his power/god, He is righteous if from her his doing he is a clean warrior.
    ○ That man apart from this is his power. He is righteous if apart from doing this he purely prevails.
  18. These in his servants Not he causes to support and in his messengers he cause to name her revelation (תהלה – lit. shining or revealing).
    ○ These are characteristic of his servants, he is not made to trust and in his messengers, he is made to reveal.
  19. Moreover, a dwelling house of clay which in dust one who is their base the break them to the face made,
    ○ Moreover, a dwelling house’s clay whose base is dust is broken before it is made.
  20. From morning to evening they are crush from without from causing to name to continue they perish
    ○ From morning to evening they are crushed from lack. From there forward, they perish.
  21. Then not journey he border them in them they die and not in her wisdom.
    ○ Then it is not the journey, it limits them. In them, they die but not in wisdom.


This dialect is very strange but it appears Eliphaz is telling Job he must be careful what he speaks aloud because a less spiritually mature person can pick up what he says and be misguided by it.

He reminds Job that the path of righteous by definition requires struggle and grief and while a righteous person will recover from his grief, the person hearing them as they grieve will not get to witness the recovery to get the whole story. Armed with only the words of a grieving person, the hearer receives incomplete spiritual food upon which they base their decisions. And because they are weak, they perish while the righteous survives.

In a very poetic way, Eliphaz argues that his appearance and words speak volumes to all who witness it but it tells only of the suffering and not of the triumph and it is detrimental to the spiritually immature.

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