February 11, 2025

Holy Days 2022

Biblical Observances Infographic

Updated: March 22, 2022 It’s that time of the year again when we publish the new calendar for the upcoming biblical new year! To simplify the biblical holy days, biblical feast seasons can be broken up into two parts – Spring Harvest Season and Fall Harvest Season. Spring Harvest Season (Click any of the links […]

Abraham was Always Right Where Yahuah Wanted Him

Exodus 13 tells the story of Abraham and Lot, who had journeyed together coming out of Haran after Yahuah directed Abraham to leave his relatives and travel to Canaan. This land would later be inherited by his many descendants hundreds of years later. In this story, Abraham and Lot parted ways after each man had […]

Vague Parables

I think I finally understand why spiritual experiences are like parables with no definitive meaning. Last night after asking Yahuah to tell me what to do about giving someone a second chance, HE showed me salt being poured onto a lit stove burner… And that was it. So the first thing I did was Googled […]

Sabbath by the “Luminaries” (moon)?

An awakened Hebrew brother mentioned in a YouTube video that his family observes Sabbaths by the new moon. He stated that they observe the Sabbath on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th according to week’s occurring after each new moon. At first I thought, “That makes perfect sense.” and “I can’t believe we been doing […]

The Discipline of Function

“For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men’s shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers.” Yashua, Mat 23:4 Yashua says this in Matthew. Some interpret this to mean “we no longer have need of the laws and customs of the Most High”. […]

An Adulterous Nation

Adultery is talked about in peculiar ways throughout scripture. Most notably we read about adulterous people and nations which never have anything to do with cheating spouses. The simple conclusion we draw about these phrases is that it’s used to refer to people who cheat on Yahuah God, with other gods. In this 2 part […]

Hebrew Lesson Review for Day 1

Basic Hebrew Word Structure Hebrew is letters, each with their own meaning, linked together to form words that are indicative of a function. The functions are often attributed to things that are most characteristic of that function. Reading from the bottom up, this is an example of how Hebrew words are formed. Here’s another example… […]

Day 1 Laws of Creation

Creation Premise: The Creator is omnipresent. There is an intelligent power that spoke function into dysfunction, creating all things that are capable of functioning.  Elahim is the ONE that fulfilled the purpose of all things in the heaven and in the Earth. He is a single unit of multiple beings of power. It’s in the […]

Build Your Audience By The Book

When we think about having a following or an audience, rarely do we think “I can just replicate Yashua’s success with building an audience.” And even those who do think this probably aren’t looking at the rules of engagement one must apply to do it “by the book”… It’s one thing to look at his […]

Daniel 9 – The Abomination of Desolation

In year one a to Dariosh, son of Acheshorosh, from the seed of Medi (Japheth – Caucasus/Turkey region) who reigns over the kingdom of the Chaldeans (people from the region of Ur north of the. Hebrew descendents of Abraham’s brother, Nahor) In year one of his reign, i Daniel did observe the history books (lit. […]

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