February 6, 2025

The Purging – Interpretation of Revelations (Book Excerpt)

Here is an excerpt of my soon to be released book The Purging – Interpretation of Revelations. Let me know what you think! But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: […]

God Reveals The True Meaning & Purpose of Humbleness

What does it mean to be humble? We often describe it as meekness, modesty, or submission. But is there a more precise description of humility? To some it comes natural, for me it takes work! To understand the significance and depth of this word “humble” as Yah revealed it to me, it’s important that you […]

Five Words Jesus Said We Must Say Before We Will See Him Again

Matthew 23 reveals five Aramaic words that will cause us to see the face of Yah again. These five words are powerful and more of something we must do than say. One the surface we must say certain English words which infers that Israel must begin to accept the words and God-given responsibility of its […]

Why It’s Important To Study The Book Of Revelation!

Many people see revelations as a doomsday prophecy which tells only of the wrath of God. This, however, is not the truth and we must study it for ourselves. The truth is that the revealing of truth is dependent on the person that truth is being revealed to. There are two sides to the prophecy […]

Matthew 13: What Is The Kingdom of Heaven?

Yeshua uses several parables to explain what the Kingdom of Heaven is and how to enter into it. These parables also tell us about it’s origin, purpose, duty, and fate. If you claim to be a part of this Kingdom, there are some things you absolutely must understand about it… Its revealed in this video!

The Names of God & Jesus

We hear the God of Abraham called by many names. Some of these names are listed below. Jehovah – Adonai (My Lord or Lord) – El (God) – Elohim(gods) – Yehovah – Yah – Yahweh – El Shaddai (God Almighty) But what should you call him? The confusion about His real name stems from a […]

Revelations 1: The Foundation of Understanding The Prophecy

Final Thoughts: There are a million and one interpretations of Revelations. The movies show us all these magnificent images of people getting beamed up to the sky when all ‘believers’ are ‘redeemed’ before that final catastrophic moment.  They show the ‘elect’ having their heads chopped off in that final moment and we buy it. We have […]

Matthew 12: Who The Pharisees Really Were

The Gospel of Matthew is uniquely rich in enlightening and prophetic content that tells readers about the modern identities and characteristics of biblical characters. Matthew 2 tells us about the purpose and character of parents faithful to God and the character and workings of both Yah (God) and Satan. Matthew 3 gives us insight regarding the […]

Blacks in the Bible – The True Identity of the Hebrew Israelites By The7Meek

This series of videos was developed by Her Royal Roots and The7Meek YouTube channels. Her Royal Roots offers a great source of information, particularly regarding biblical interpretation. This series of videos go into great detail regarding who the real Hebrews Israelite people are today. It goes from the beginning to the end of the bible and […]

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