Identity Crisis: Who are Black People?
I heard a Hebrew brother say the indigenous people of America were black Hebrews. As I had many times, I began to search the internet for historical evidence of a connection between the indigenous people and the Hebrews of the bible. As I searched for facts, I was taken back by the myths regarding the […]
What is a Cherub?
I set out on this study to understand what a cherub really was and what its purpose was/is in scripture. What I learned in this study was nothing short of amazing. These are my raw word study notes. I suggest you use this as a point of reference and not as “The Gospel” and comment […]
Translation & Notes On Malachi: Chapter 2
Malachi Chapter 2 2:1 And now your strength the command of these priests. 2:2 If not you hear it and if not you strongly press it upon heart [and/or thoughts or mind] to strongly secure honor to my name, said Yahuwah of armies, and I send in you all, the curse and I did cause your […]
Translation & Notes On Malachi: Chapter 1
These are raw translations… Not cleaned up or interpreted much, forcing readers to have to seek to understand for themselves from the Most High! What message did Yahuwah end by the hand of His messenger? Malachi Chapter 1 1:1 Carry the load word of Yahuwah to Israel in the hand of My messenger [OR Malachi]. […]
Translation of Proverbs: Chapter 3
Proverbs 3 1 Children, my teachings to you will find [or forget] and my commandments thought [or mold or preserve] your mind [or heart] 2 Because long days and [again?] living and peace they will gather to you. 3 Kindness and truth to he will leave you their conspiracy upon your necks. their writing upon […]
Translation of Proverbs: Chapter 2
Proverbs 2 1 Children if you will take my words and my commands you will hide your mark. 2 To the heed to wisdom your ear you will spin your heart to you plan [or intelligence] her. 3 Because if to understand her you will call to plan her you will give your voice. 4 […]
The Lord’s Prayer in Biblical Hebrew
Have you ever wondered what words Jesus actually told us to say in what we call the Lord’s Prayer? I mean, Jesus didn’t speak English and contrary to popular belief, he didn’t speak Greek or Latin. So, in his own language, what did he tell us to say that special, yet brief prayer? While there […]
Hebrew Translation of Proverbs Chapter 1
On a personal mission for reproof, I was inspired to study Proverbs. At first, Yahuwah led me to study chapter 18, then to begin with chapter 1 verse 1. As I studied this line by line, it was so illuminating. So I am sharing the raw Hebrew translation with you. Now, keep in mind that […]