January 15, 2025

Matthew 9: The Power Given To Men

Summary Highlights:  Chapter 9 demonstrates that the people of Yeshua time understood his purpose. When they heard him say the “Son of man” had the power to forgive sin on earth and witnessed him heal the paralyzed man, they gave glory to God for giving such power to “men”.  Yeshua demonstrated and taught of these powers […]

Matthew 8: Faith, Favor, & Fear

Summary Highlights: Chapter 8 is all about faith, favor, and fear. A leper and a Roman officer demonstrated faith. Peter’s mother-in-law and all the people healed of devils and sickness received a demonstration of favor. The disciples, demons, and the people of Gergesenes demonstrated fear. This is yet another powerful revelation. It reveals the message that […]

Matthew 7: Descernment is Making Use of Your God-given Common Sense

Summary Highlights: In chapter 7, Yeshua teaches us about our dealings with others. He details how judgment functions, saying that we should not judge others unless we have prepared ourselves to be judged by the same thing. He also tells us that we should not give what is holy to those things or people that are unholy […]

Matthew 6: Israel vs. the World

Summary Highlights:  In chapter 6, Yeshua is teaching us what we must and must not do regarding our spiritual and physical being. He points out several differences that do and must exist between us (Israel) and the world. In this chapter every principle makes a comparison between Yeshua’s audience , Israel,  and gentiles, heathens, and […]

Matthew 5: The Character & Accountability of Israel

Summary Highlights:  In Chapter 5, Yeshua is outright saying, “Look, this is who you are, this is who I am, and this is what must be done. In verses 3 through 12, where Yeshua discloses those who are blessed, how they are blessed, and why they are blessed. He is accomplishing a few things here. […]

Matthew 4: Fasting & Temptation

Summary Highlights: Matthew 4 begins with Yeshua being led into the wilderness by the spirit of God. He goes on a forty day fast where he separated himself from the world and did not eat. While in the wilderness, the devil went to tempt Yeshua. First, he was tempted by the devil to turn stone […]

Matthew 2: The Power of Prophecy

Summary Highlights: In this chapter, Jesus is born and King Herod is trying to find and kill him because it had been prophesied that he would be King of the Jews, who Herod currently ruled. Some wise men who were known as magicians went to see Jesus to bow to him. (Magicians were scientists and […]

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