April 19, 2024

Word of the Week | March 25, 2019

To the Wise | Isaiah prophesied a frequently quoted truth that Yahuwah would gather Judah from the four corners of the earth. To gain wisdom on this verse matter we must understand to things… (1) there are 34 ways to gather… What’s the significance of this one? (2) What are these 4 corners? And He […]

Character vs. Will

As I struggled with the state of my progress towards purpose, I read about the ‘Big Five’ personality traits in one of my grad classes. It introduced me to a side of myself that I was aware of but that I hadn’t given much thought to. That is, my extreme introversion. I decided it might […]

Us Against the World?

Sorry I’ve been gone for a while. This move and master’s program is whooping my tail. Anyway, I had this thought the other night and wanted to share it… There are many ways one might view the differences among us all. Often it’s easier to determine that ‘they’ are like this world and are therefore […]

2 Letters & 30 Ways To Say ‘Gather’ | PART 1

As I did my regular biblical studies I noticed that more than 30 different Hebrew words were being translated as ‘gather’. Being the curious type, I searched the old testament for the word to see just how many words were interpreted as ‘gather’ and why. The nature of the Hebrew language and Hebraic thought tells […]

Word of the ‘Month’ | March 13, 2019

To the wise |According to the wisdom of Sholamah (Solomon), we should accept these four principles: (1) Nothing changes, only cycles through. (2) There is no fulfillment in self-fulfilling behaviors. (3) Good and bad things happen regardless of how good or bad or knowledgable or ignorant we are. (4) The purpose of the hidden things […]

Ecclesiastes 2

1 I did say I in my mind go she now I have been covered in her joy and perceive her in function and these are also empty. In my mind, I said it is going now. I have been covered in joy and saw function, but these too are empty. 2 To laugh I […]

Ecclesiastes 1

A word of a gatherer, son of David, King in Jerusalem. The empty empty ones say gathering of empty empty ones are empty empty. The emptiness of empty ones: Sayings gathered of the emptiness of empty ones which are empty empty. From her/what more to humanity in all his aspirations which he aspires under the […]

God, DNA, and Memory

Deuteronomy and other places in scripture suggests that we will someday remember all things that ever existed. How is this possible? Because ask pleading to the days first ones which existed he to your face to portion of the day which filled, God, Humanity upon the earth and to the from end of the heavens […]

Words of the Week | February 1, 2019

To the wise | Seldom do most people think about the origin of things – one of the first things this journey inspired in me. Where does the English word “God” come from and what is it in the Hebrew Language? We should, more frequently, consider the origin of all things… After all, knowing them […]

Who or What is GOD?

I woke up at 6:00 this morning with this very thought on my mind. “What is god?” The night before I had studied the Book of Haggai. (I will upload the translation soon) In Haggai 2:12 I came across an unfamiliar Hebrew word, ‘Bagodu‘ (בגדו), translated here as clothing or garment but also interpreted as […]

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