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March 12, 2025

Word of the ‘Month’ | March 13, 2019

To the wise |According to the wisdom of Sholamah (Solomon), we should accept these four principles: (1) Nothing changes, only cycles through. (2) There is no fulfillment in self-fulfilling behaviors. (3) Good and bad things happen regardless of how good or bad or knowledgable or ignorant we are. (4) The purpose of the hidden things has been given in the human mind and without it, we can’t know the purpose of all that s done and the powers which exist from the beginning through the end. In this, Sholamah defines the fallacies and mechanisms that drive our action and corrupts our character! Read  A Study of  Ecclesiastes

Hebrew | Do or work? Work or labor? Like many Hebrew words in the English Bible, עש(osh) and עמל(omal) are used interchangeably. In this case, they are understood as work or labor – that which is done. But are they the same thing? Sholamah didn’t think so. In Ecclesiastes 3:9, he used both words. He defined “do” (עש) as a product of “labor” (עמל) when he says “From her (what) he will profit the one who does her in which he labors?”

מה יתרון העושה באשר הוא עמל

עש literally means know  to press  and is the innate urge that compels an action (e. g. To do)

On the other hand, עמל is knowledge infinitely guiding which is the inward experience producing or creating the urge (e. g. aspire, ambition or drive)!

So what Sholamah is actually telling us is this: The benefit of all things is that they compel us to act. These series of actions are how humanity thrive, evolving intellectually, spiritually and psychologically, despite being trapped in a loop. He says the purpose in everything is beautiful and I am inclined to agree!