January 18, 2025

Summary Highlights:

This chapter explains that there is a difference between discipleship and other roles. First, it is important to know what a disciple is. The Greek word for disciple is ‘mathētēs’ which means LEARNER. This makes perfect sense, since the leader of a learner, in this chapter, is a teacher, just as the head of a servant is a master.

Yeshua specifies that learners receive the same knowledge, power, and pain as him – they follow in his path – receiving the good and bad. They are like an apprentice who follows a professional around, observing and doing whatever the apprentice tells and teaches him to do. When the apprenticeship is over, that individual will do his job almost identical to the person he learned from and his work is representative of the person who taught him.

 Meanwhile, a prophet gives and receives what is given to a prophet, which is prophecy. A righteous person what is due to a righteous person, which is righteousness. A kind person what is due to a kind person, which is kindness.

 Yeshua is explaining that whatever we are or do determines what we receive and what we have to give.

 That being said, it is evident in this chapter that Yeshua and his disciples were teaching Israel to be disciples.

Recommended Resources:

Instructions: Read Matthew Chapter 10 in the King James Version to avoid confusion, since this is the version used for these lessons.

Video Lesson: This is a video originally created for a private bible study group. It summarizes the information below. It is recommended that you also read through the entire lesson so that you do not miss anything.

Instructions: See Matthew 10 Study Guide for complete chapter 10 content.

Final Thoughts:

When studying the bible, you should always keep your eye open for divine messages from God. Here is an example of this.

Verse 1 reads: And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.

Verse 8 reads: Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.

If you look at this from a deeper perspective, you can receive this narrative as a divine message from God. The divine message is that Yeshua calls us to himself and freely gives us what has been given to him by the Father. The evidence is in Yeshua’s life and teachings. Yeshua goes around healing the sick, raising the dead, and casting out demons and asks for nothing in return. The message that we are called unto him and receive this power is also in his life and teachings. Remember his life is a testament to the power and will of God, as is our own lives.

With this idea in mine, here are some other strong points that really stood out to me about this chapter. Already under suspicion about the similarities of Yeshua’s description regarding the suffering of his disciples and the African American experience, I searched the word ‘scourge’ and this is what popped up.

Remember how God works! He is not vain, nor idol, but does everything with purpose. This is a famous picture of a slave who was scourged and for me it is God’s confirmation of my suspicions. While Yeshua is describing the duties and expectations of his own first century disciples, he is also communicating a divine message to his people, Israel of this day.

He is confirming who we are and what we would experience because of him. He says it was for a testimony or witness to the leaders and the gentiles. (Matthew 10:18) This sounds very familiar as I read it I think back to my study of Revelations, Deuteronomy 28, and Isaiah.

 Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles. – Isaiah 42:1

 I the LORD have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles; Isaiah 42:6

 And he said, It is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel: I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth. – Isaiah 49:6

Deuteronomy 28 talks about Israel being hated by all the nations and being called names and bywords, whereas, Yeshua warns in this chapter that his disciples will be called names and hated by all men. It also refers to the beatings and suffering Israel would endure.

Furthermore, Revelations 2:10 reads: Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

This is the exact message Yeshua is giving to the disciples in verses 16-19 of Matthew. We do not serve a God of coincidence, but of purpose. So what does this all mean?

Chapter 10 is a look into the truth of the people the word calls, learners of Yeshua – his audience. Yeshua is speaking to the disciples of that time with the purpose of reaching his lost sheep of our time. He has taught us how to connect with our Father by being holy and now he is telling us that we are an image of him, we share an identity, power, and responsibility.

He tells us how to recognize a learner, so that we may receive what they have to offer. He explains that some people are simply prophets; others are righteous, while others are simply kind. He says that they only have to give, what they receive.

On the other hand, a learner receives the infinite knowledge and limitless power given to them by Yah through Yeshua, and this is what they have to give.

So, rather you are or aspire to be a learner, this message is important to you. Israel has been called to be learners that they may be a witness of the One True and Living God. However, like the bible teaches us, many are called, but few are chosen. (Matthew 22:14)

So, whatever you have received, you should give freely. If you have received the gift of prophecy, a kind heart, or righteousness, give it freely. Just know that all these things are limited to what they are. Limitless power and knowledge cannot come from someone who is only a prophet, righteous, or kind. It can only come from one who has it to give to another.

On the other hand, Yeshua is clear that those not willing to bare his cross, to love him first, and be like him, are not worthy of him. He didn’t say this to the gentiles, but he instructed his message to go out to his own people, the lost sheep of the house of Israel… that is you!

Therefore, in closing, I pray God fills you heart with the desire to be a learner, a disciple, to walk in the steps of Yeshua and make your Father pleased with you – because this is His will for you.

~Rev. D


 Go To Next Lesson – Matthew 11

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