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March 11, 2025

Job 1 Translation

  1. A man existed in the land of Uz, Job his name. And existed the man the he whole and straight and he perceived Elahim and ruled from dysfunction
    ○ There was a man in the land of Uz named Job. He was a hole and upright man and he perceived Elahim and ruled apart from dysfunction.
  2. `And they were born to him seven sons and three daughters
    ○ He had seven sons and three daughters.
  3. And he existed from his possession 7000 sheep and 3000 camels in 500 yolk oxen and 500 donkeys and servant great from very and exists the man that he one who was great than all the sons of the east
    ○ He possessed 7000 sheep, 3000 camels, 500 yoked oxen, and 500 donkeys. He has very many servants and was the greatest man of all the sons of the East.
  4. And that walk he his sons and did he the feast house man his day and sent him and called him to three of their sisters to eat and to drink upon them
    ○ And his sons went and feasted to each others’ houses, each had a day and they’d invite their three sisters over to eat and drink with them.
  5. And he existed because that cause to snatch him up days of the feast and he sent Job and he set them apart and that caused early in the morning and that offered rising ones from record all them Because said Job my power his sin my sons and in his blessing Elahim in their hearts as such he do her Job all the days of them
    ○ And it happened that the feast days were passing quickly and job sent and set them apart early in the morning, offering all the offerings as it was recorded because he said I empower my children’s sin and instill in them the blessings of Elahim in their hearts as did Job all their days.
  6. And he existed that day and they entered sons of the gods so that She stood up on Yahoo and he was the one entering gather the opponent in their midst
    ○ And there came a day when the sons of the gods entered to stand at Yahuah request and the HaShatan) השטן the opponent) also came in their midst.
  7. Then he said Yahuah to the opponent from cause to produce you will come and he answered the opponent the mark of Yahuah and he said from conquering in the earth and from walking in her
    ○ Then Yahuah said to the opponent, “What are you coming from doing?” and he answered, ” from conquering and walking the earth.”
  8. And he said Yahuah to oppose the name of your heart upon my servant Job because cause to produce like from her him in the land a man whole and straight he perceived Elahim and rules apart from dysfunction
    ○ And Yahuah said to the opponent, do your heart’s content to my servant Job because there is no other like him in the land, a man whole and upright. He perceives Elahim and rules without dysfunction.
  9. And he answered the opponent the mark of Yahuah And he said the free he will perceive Job Elahim
    ○ And the opponent answered Yahuah’s purpose and he said Job would freely perceive Elahim.
  10. That not her mark you will subside in his witness and in the witness of his house and in the witness of all which is to him and from the surrounding from doing her his hands blessings and from his possessions spread in the earth.
    ○ You will not suppress your duty on his behalf or on the behalf of his house or all that belongs to him and that is has been done by his hands blessings and spread his possessions throughout the earth.
  11. And אולם send please your hand and touch in all which to him if not upon your face he will bless you
    ○ And אולם, please send your hand and touch in all that is his for as long as he refuses to bless you.
  12. And he said, Yahuwah to the opponent these all which to him in your hands only to him certainly you will send your hand and he goes out the opponent from people face of Yahuah
    ○ Yahuah said to The Opponent, ” All these things which are his are in your hands. Only, to him, you will certainly send you hand and The Opponent went out from the people of Yahuah’s face.
  13. And he exist to the day and his sons and his daughters eating ones and his daughters eating and drinking wine in the house of their brother the firstborn.
    ○ On that same day, Job’s sons and daughters were eating and his daughters were drinking eating and drinking wine in their oldest brother’s house.
  14. And a messenger/fulfill you enter to Job and he said the ox exist he plowing and the donkeys feeding upon their hands
  15. And she fell, Shabeh (שבא) and she took them and the mark of the young ones that physically forced him to the edge of the sword and I deliver her only I to my separate so that cause to tell to you
    ○ And a messenger when to job and said, The ox were plowing and the donkeys were grazing when Shabeh fell and took them and slaughtered the young animals at the edge of the sword and I was the escaped only to tell you what was happening.
  16. The one who witnesses this from a word and this enter and he said fire Elahim have fallen she from the sky and she will burn in the sheep and in the servants and she consumes them and I delivered her only I to my separate so that cause to tell to you
    ○ The one who witnessed this thing happen entered and said, “The fire of Elahim has fallen and it delivered only me so that I could tell you.
  17. The one who witness this from a word and the one who witness this enter and he said Chaldeans/like demons his name three heads and they spread upon the camels and they take them and the mark of the young the like him to the edge of the sword and I delivered her only I to my separate so that cause to tell to you
    ○ The one who witnessed this happen entered and said, something like demons is there with three heads and they are spreading the camels and taking them and slaughtering the young animals and only I escaped to tell you.
  18. Again this from the word this enter and he said your sons and daughters eating ones and drinking ones wine in the house of their brother the firstborn
  19. And that their spirit was great enter she from crossing the wilderness and he touched in four corners of the house upon the young ones and they died and I delivered her only I to my separate so that cause to tell to you.
    ○ Again, from this thing one entered and said, Your sons and daughters were eating and drinking wine in their oldest brother’s house and a big wind entered from across the wilderness and touched all four corners of the house that was above the kids and they died and I was the only to escape to tell you.
  20. And he arose Job and he tore the mark from upon him and he sheared the mark of his head and he fell her earth and they sank.
    ○ And Job rose up and ripped what was on him and he shaved his head and fell to the ground and they fell weak.
  21. And he said naked I went out from the womb of my mother and naked I will return her name Yahuwah have given and Yahuah to take he will exist name of Yahuah from blessing
    ○ And he said I came out of my mother’s womb naked and I will return naked wherever Yahuwah has given and Yahuah’s name will be blessed from it.
  22. In all this not sinned Job and not he gave having fell to Elahim.
    ○ In all this, Job did not sin and he did not give having fallen to Elahim.