January 30, 2025

עברית ספרים ואת בהמה

Hebrew Numbers & The Mark of the Beast

Having spent the last two or so years learning the Ancient Hebrew Language, I decided it was time I learned the numbering system of my ancestors. I made some interesting discoveries wherein lied several important lessons I feel compelled to share with you.

In this post, you will learn…

  • There are two distinct “Hebrew” numbering systems.
  • The mark and number of the beast.
  • The process of being disillusioned is a healthy one.

As I worked hard to learn and understand the Hebrew numbering system and  Ancient Hebrew Language, I first turned to the simple and most common system which is used to number bible verses. (This should have been my first clue, but I missed it)

This is a simple numbering system. The above is the base of the system but to create slightly more complex numbers your simply add ones and hundreds.

For example, to add a number in the ones place simply insert a digit (א – ט) or 1-9 behind the 10s place… Remember Hebrew is read from right to left, opposite of English.

יא, יב, יג, יד = 11, 12, 13, 14

כא, כב, כג, כד = 21, 22, 23, 24

…and so on. But I notice two exceptions…

15 and 16 do not follow this format. Instead, 15 is טו, 9+6. And 16  is 9+7, טז.

Perhaps this is related to the fact that in the normal format, 15 would spell out Yah (יה). The first thing that comes to mind is the Jewish beliefs about the use of the formal name of Yahuwah. But 16 would spell out (יו). So why was that one changed? An investigation revealed that the common name prefix interpreted by modern interpreters as the name of God. Hense, Yoseph (Joseph) is interpreted “Jehovah has added” according to Strongs H3130. Yoab (Joab) is interpreted “Jehovah is father” (Strong’s 3097) and Yoel (Joel) is interpreted “Jahovah is God” (Strong’s 3100).

It all seems so romantic, but the fact is that these are all incorrect name interpretations. In fact, (יו) is not only a name prefix but a commonly used verb prefix. It translates “He will be…” So Joseph’s name is “He will be added”, Joab’s, is “He will be a father”, and Joel’s is “He will be a power/of god”.

None the less, יה and יו have very similar meanings. יה is “He exists” and when added to a verb,  יו is “He will be… ” So, it seems these Hebrew numberings were added or altered by modern interpreters of the ancient manuscripts… But can it be proven?

A look at the dead sea scroll proves my hunch true. This numbering system was not in the earliest texts and is almost certainly a modern invention. Below is an image of a Psalms Dead Sea scroll authenticated as the oldest (Est. 408 BCE to 318 CE) most complete “biblical” manuscript discovery.

But I already knew that… this proves how easy it is to fall for illusions. I didn’t even realize that the numbering I was studying was based on something I knew was deceptive – the numbering of bible verses! This numbering system is not evident anywhere within scripture itself.

I fact, not even the 10th-century Masoretic transcribed Allepo Codex contains these numberings. This implies that this numbering system was developed and added to scriptures after the 10th century. (The notes in the margins are not numberings.)

At this point, I realized why I couldn’t find any connections between the numbers as written out in scripture, and those used to number verses and in modern Hebrew! See Ancient Hebrew is a practical and logical language. For example, the ancient pictograph of the modern א is an ox’s head signifying energy and strength because the ox was an energy source to the ancient people. An ox was called an El, and later Aleph, and so was this letter because that’s what it was. So the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet was an ox’s head, now called an aleph, and signified strength. All these make practical sense.

But in studying the modern numbering system these sorts of connections did not exist. In scripture, the Hebrew number for “one” is Echad (אחד) from the root word חד, meaning unit or unite. Thus, אחד means a strong unity and translates as “one”. So far so good… But how does this relate to א and Aleph, besides the fact that its the first letter in the word? Perhaps to unite as one creates a unique strength… This is true, however, as you continue to study, the numbers become more and more difficult to find such connections. For example in scripture five is “חמש” according to the modern numerical system of Jewish people, this would be the equivalent of 8-40-30, three separate and distinct values but would be rendered as “ה”, a letter meaning to manifest. The word חמש means to prepare for battle. Where’s the logic and practicality in that?

None the less, I found it intriguing that using this modern numbering system 666 basically spells out Rothschild. Specifically, if pronounced the modern number would read “Rothsu”. So, let’s continue on to see what post 10th century interpreters tell us about the number and name of the beast…

Numbers in the hundreds are in the format 1s<-10s<-100s. Like this…

Here ק is 100 so קא is 101.

קי, קיא, קיב = 110 , 111, 112

Numbers greater than 400 are combined similar to Roman numerals with the smaller 100s digit(s) first and 400(ת) as the final number to the left in the 100s range.


קת is 100 + 400 = 500.

קתכא is 100 + 400 + 20 + 1 = 521

Now to my point of intrigue…

רת is 200 + 400 = 600

Interestingly, this is pronounced “rath”. In case you don’t know, there is a well known ongoing ‘conspiracy’ theory that the Rothschild’s a family that literally owns most of the countries on the planet, by owning their financial systems, such as the US Federal Reserve, is the antichrist or the beast.

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. 

– Revelation 13:18

So, interested in what the mark of the beast might actually be (and to test my wisdom), I did the “math”!

(ת) 400 + (ר)100 +  (ס)60 +(ו)6 = 666 (רתסו)

רתסו is 666 “rath-su”, meaning “The mind mark protected securely”.

Still, there was another dilemma. According to credible sources, 666 was not the number originally given in the Greek manuscripts. They claim it was 616. So, I did the same thing with 616.

The result was nearly identical. רתיו is 616, the number said to have originally been given as the mark of the beast… “The mind mark done securely.”

Either way, the mark of the beast, according to modern numbering is a human whose mind is unchangeable or secured in place… This is the number of his character. This is an unreasonable person who despite what they see and experience, they hold on to the things that keep them enemies of God bound in ignor-ance. This is the mark in the head that the beast gives to some of humanity in the book of Revelation from which they will not escape the final destruction of the antiGod.

A little-known fact about the Revelation prophecy is that in it EVERY human was destined to be marked in the hand by the beast, but these aren’t all condemned to the fire.  (Revelation 13:16) Only those with the head mark were; i.e. the unchangeable. (Revelation 16:2) And this is the head mark!

I must admit… It really makes sense. But if this numbering is a modern construct than how meaningful is it in regards to Bible prophecy?  Is its mere existence part of what was prophesied? Could an all-knowing God foresee all things and gives us the wisdom to know?

If this number were written in Hebrew scriptures (it’s not), it would be שש מאת וששים ושש. That is, “shesh  maet washeshim washesh”. Which is basically three groups related to the idea of pressure from an Ancient Hebrew perspective – “pressure from the mark, and pressured ones, and pressure”. Ironically, it’s also an equal amount of whiteness… The word for six is also a word for white. So it can also be read, “whitened from the mark, white ones, and whiteness” or some similar variation… And there you have it!

Now, to understand the intelligent truth about this whiteness, we must be well-versed in Hebrew scripture. Don’t be foolish or ignorant to think of this in a hateful way because that is not the message of scripture. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. (See the Hebrew translations of Isaiah 43 and Isaiah 60.)

So what is the mark of the beast? I think its all of it. We are being given ways to recognize the pressures that humanity will all be up against in the last days. What do you think?

Anyway, all that hard work and research and I still don’t quite know my ancestors’ numbering system.  That’s okay though because I learned several valuable lessons and became aware of my own vulnerability to deception. This is the process of disillusion – finding out that what you thought was, just isn’t and growing from the experience. The simple modern Hebrew numbering system isn’t mine… and that’s okay too.

Remember, Study Hard & Stand Gaurd… Don’t be too easily deceived, at least make his-story work for it:)

Stay tuned to learn the biblical Hebrew numbering with me… Keep an eye out for my next post.

2 Responses

  1. Shalom my sister, I read your article on Hebrew Numbers & The Mark of the Beast and you mention that יו is actually translated as He will be… I know that the yud means He, but Im having a problem understanding the role of the vav. Do the vav have something to do with tense? Im trying to find out the true meaning of Jochebed.

    Todah in advance!

    1. Shalom,
      I hope this reaches you. Yes. The wow/vav does determine the tense. From right to left, it’s will be, is, was.

      יוכבד, (if this is the spelling you intend) means he will be heavy (literally or figuratively as in weightier, important, honorable, glorious, etc)

      יכובד would be he is heavy.

      יכבוד would be he was heavy.

      This isn’t evident in any literature I’ve studied but I picked up on it as I worked on translations since 2015 and have yet to find any deviations from this convention.

      Hope this helps.

      With love,

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