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March 12, 2025

10 Words You Thought You Knew

We must understand what these words mean, in order to apply them to our lives. Quite often they aren’t what we think they are! Let’s go back to the Hebrew meaning of these 10 commonly misunderstood Bible words!

Bible Myth Buster 1: Christ is the end of the law?

Looking back, I guess there were always many things about my Christian upbringing that did not sit well with me. There were somethings that I knew, without a shadow of doubt, to be true.  For example, I was certain there was a God and a Messiah and that they were somehow in control of my […]

The Names of God & Jesus

We hear the God of Abraham called by many names. Some of these names are listed below. Jehovah – Adonai (My Lord or Lord) – El (God) – Elohim(gods) – Yehovah – Yah – Yahweh – El Shaddai (God Almighty) But what should you call him? The confusion about His real name stems from a […]

Blacks in the Bible – The True Identity of the Hebrew Israelites By The7Meek

This series of videos was developed by Her Royal Roots and The7Meek YouTube channels. Her Royal Roots offers a great source of information, particularly regarding biblical interpretation. This series of videos go into great detail regarding who the real Hebrews Israelite people are today. It goes from the beginning to the end of the bible and […]

A History of the True Hebrews by Kingdom Preppers

Kingdom Preppers  YouTube channel is an awesome resource for learning about our Israelite identity. This explains the biblical historical accounts that lead to the scattering of our ancestors, the  Israelites. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=biPDp8pGqGg

Scattered Among the Nations by Kingdom Preppers

Kingdom Preppers  YouTube channel is an awesome resource for learning about our Israelite identity. This is a series of videos created by Kingdom Preppers titled (The True Hebrew Israelite) Scattered Among the Nations. Enjoy! Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4NuWqslJDs Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cjq-TNTD4jY Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvjMEzTLBzI

Understanding The Holy Bible for Israelites

Understanding the bible for black Judah and Jerusalem video explains that the bible has different audiences, and not all scripture is directed towards all ‘believers’. Israel have special teachings or messages in the bible.