January 18, 2025

Book Release

Today I officially released my first book “The Purging of Evil“. It is an interpretation of The Book of Revelations that could only have come by the power of my Elohim, Yah! This book will definitely change the readers’ perspectives as it did mine as God taught me its meaning, mesage, and purpose. It not only […]

Revelations 2: Revealing The Identity of The Seven Churches (Part 1)

Revelations 2 describes the characteristics of four of the seven churches, which are actually groups of people who make up the entire world. These videos tell about the judgment, instruction, purpose, repentance, and reward of the churches of Ephesus, Smyrna, and Pergamos. (Thyatira will be added soon) You’ll be amazed at how easily recognizable these groups are […]

Revelations 1: The Foundation of Understanding The Prophecy

Final Thoughts: There are a million and one interpretations of Revelations. The movies show us all these magnificent images of people getting beamed up to the sky when all ‘believers’ are ‘redeemed’ before that final catastrophic moment.  They show the ‘elect’ having their heads chopped off in that final moment and we buy it. We have […]

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