Word of the Week | March 25, 2019
To the Wise | Isaiah prophesied a frequently quoted truth that Yahuwah would gather Judah from the four corners of the earth. To gain wisdom on this verse matter we must understand to things… (1) there are 34 ways to gather… What’s the significance of this one? (2) What are these 4 corners? And He […]
Word of the ‘Month’ | March 13, 2019
To the wise |According to the wisdom of Sholamah (Solomon), we should accept these four principles: (1) Nothing changes, only cycles through. (2) There is no fulfillment in self-fulfilling behaviors. (3) Good and bad things happen regardless of how good or bad or knowledgable or ignorant we are. (4) The purpose of the hidden things […]
Who or What is GOD?
I woke up at 6:00 this morning with this very thought on my mind. “What is god?” The night before I had studied the Book of Haggai. (I will upload the translation soon) In Haggai 2:12 I came across an unfamiliar Hebrew word, ‘Bagodu‘ (בגדו), translated here as clothing or garment but also interpreted as […]
To whom do you belong?
As I reflect on my study of the כשף, the Hebrew word translated as “sorcery”, I realize just how ignorant most humans are to the reality and duality of our existence We want to see everything as either good or bad without understanding the purpose in it all. We may think, for example, that if […]
Hebrew Numbers & The Mark of the Beast
עברית ספרים ואת בהמה Hebrew Numbers & The Mark of the Beast Having spent the last two or so years learning the Ancient Hebrew Language, I decided it was time I learned the numbering system of my ancestors. I made some interesting discoveries wherein lied several important lessons I feel compelled to share with you. In […]
Hebraic & Godly Teaching & Learning
Yashua is the ultimate real-world example of Hebraic and Godly teaching and learning – two things so intrinsically connected that they cannot be separated. We can learn why he taught as he did and how he learned by looking at the Hebrew Language in depth. Today we do just that! Download this complete study PDF […]
Is “Worship” What We Think It Is?
What does it mean to worship? This is the question I recently stumbled upon as I studied Deuteronomy. Throughout scripture, we are repeatedly warned not to “worship” other gods but what does that really mean? I studied every occurrence of the word translated to worship in the laws (the first five books of the bible), which is […]
What is Fear?
Not much of a reader? Would you prefer a more interactive learning experience? Complete the free Interactive Course “What is Fear?” with videos and assignments to check your understanding. Fear In Western Thought From a western abstract perspective, fear is defined as an unpleasant emotion caused by a belief or perception of danger or an unwanted […]
The Evidential Property of Fear
Recap Fear is a personal battle that I am determined to master. I would say overcome but this study has helped me to understand that fear isn’t something that can be overcome. Rather, it is something we must all understand and learn to navigate. My greatest achievements were accomplished, not in the absence of fear, […]