Holy Day Study Reflections
This study has been very eye-opening. More than anything, I learned that these days, which many of us reject and most of us do not understand, were practical observances in the text that we base our faith on. By understanding the practical application of the set-apart days, it’s easier to recognize, accept, and understand the […]
Heg Hasaccot: Feast of Booths
The Feast of Booths/Coverings is only five days after the Day of Atonement. It is an eight-day sabbath, whereby, no one worked for profit and the Israelite community prepared feasts and animal skins daily. On the eighth day, they rested from their communal activities. Unlike the Day of Atonement, the Feast of Booths is a […]
Yowm Hacafarim: Day of “Atonement”
As I continue to study these holy days, I am learning that they first had a practical application before representing a spiritual truth. Take, for example, the passover. Initially, it wasn’t a holy day in the sense we think of it today but a life or death situation in which our ancestors were to be obedient to […]
Shabatown Zacarown: Sabbath of Remembrance
Leviticus doesn’t say much about this observance; however, a more elaborate instruction is provided in Numbers 29. According to Leviticus, this Sabbath of Remembrance only had three instructions. The first is a grieving or shouting set-apart meeting. Most translations translate the word תרועה, which is literally “shout” or “you will shout her” or “she will shout” […]
Hashabat Hashabyat: Feast of Weeks
Hashabat Hashabyat literally means the seven sabbaths. The Feast of Weeks is a celebration of the first complete reaping of the harvest of the year. This occurs over seven weeks beginning on the Firstfruits Harvest Feast Day, “Soulfood Sunday”, and ending on the seventh sabbath that follows that day. Exactly 49 days later, the completion […]
Translation of Proverbs Chapter 4
1 His hearing, children [sons or their sons], instruction [bond] father [consent, desire] and his response to knowledge (is) understanding. 2 Because learn [take] good I did give their walk my law to/not you did leave him. 3 Because son I did exist to my father’s loin [tender] and he did unite [riddle] to face […]
Feast of First Fruits
This observance was specifically given because Israel would enter into the land which was given to them by God. (Leviticus 23:10) On the surface, when reading the Hebrew, it’s very practical in nature. Contrarily, English makes it sound like some strange ritual. Ultimately, Yahuwah gives Israel step by step instructions for reaping and celebrating their first […]
Is Perfection Possible?
Unless we are delusional, life is hard. The hardest part for me is figuring out how to live it right. Most people think that this means following the ten commandments or being the “best you can be” or giving to others… But living right is not any of these individual things. It is living in […]
Feast of Unleavened Bread
Closely tied to the Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread is a seven-day observance. According to Exodus 12:18, it begins on the evening of the 14th day of the first month, meaning it occurs concurrently with Passover. However, Leviticus 23:5 says that it begins on the 15th day of the first month. Due to this, […]
Pesach: The Passover
The Passover was first practiced just before the Exodus of God’s people out of Egypt. For practical reasons Yahuwah, through Moses, ordered the Israelites to get dressed and ready to run and to eat quickly, because it was Yahuwah’s Passover. (Exodus 12:11) During this event, Passover lambs were slaughtered to be eaten and their blood […]