The Path takes readers from Genesis to Revelations revealing little known biblical truths about the most well-known characters of scripture. We take a walk through the lives of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and their descendants and get an in-depth look at the one they call the son of God and Yahshua (Jesus). Who was he apart from the religious figure we have come to know? What was the apostle Paul really saying? These biblical truths tell us of humanity and its conditions which we experience firsthand every day.
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The Purging is part of a series dedicated to educating Black Americans and the world about the truth of scripture without the influence of religious bias. I always had a sixth sense given to her by the Most High God. In 2016, during a series of supernatural experiences, God instructed me to write a book about Revelations as He interpreted it to me over a 30-day period. The Book of Revelations volume is illuminating. It explains certain truths regarding John the Apostle’s prophecy in ways never before shared. This book will make you question everything you think you know! In the first chapter of the book, “30 Days of Revelation”, I explain how God taught me the true meaning and purpose of scripture as it pertains to the biblical Israelites, who God confirmed were, in part, descendants of slaves imported in the Transatlantic Slave Trade.
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